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2020-2021 Organizing Team

MAP-McGIll's organizing members meet weekly and all work is done collaboratively. The organizing team is divided into three sub-committees: Admin, Advocacy, and Community Outreach. Members on the community outreach committee are responsible for organizing our speaker series and other social events. Working in tandem with the community group, the advocacy team aims to address the more structural, stratified inequities present in McGill Philosophy. From advising the department on equitable education to raising awareness of the issues that plague philosophy, the team works to bring about a better philosophy community for all.  


Navo Chakraborty

Navo is an undergraduate in philosophy, in his final year at McGill.  His research interests include critical race theory, ethics, and feminist and continental philosophy.  After completing his bachelor's degree, Navo intends to apply to graduate programs in Philosophy.  In his free time, Navo enjoys music, reading, running, and films.  A member of MAP since 2020, Navo's work consists primarily in advocacy and administration.


Sarah Clairmont

Sarah is a PhD candidate at McGill, whose research interests include philosophy of epidemiology, social epistemology, feminist race-critical philosophy, and history and philosophy of science.  After defending her dissertation, Sarah plans to pursue the practical applications of her research and to work closely with population health scientists and policymakers.  She has two cats and enjoys long-distance running, snowboarding, and live music. Sarah’s involvement in MAP-McGill consists primarily in advocacy work and community outreach. She joined MAP-McGill’s organizing team in 2020.


Celia Edell

Celia is a PhD candidate in philosophy working on a feminist race-critical theory of scapegoating, incorporating elements from epistemologies of ignorance and social identity theory. She feels strongly that philosophical and feminist concepts should be accessible to people outside of academia, and has been creating online content to this end for many years now. In her off time, Celia can be found watching TV and taking photos of her cat. Celia co-founded MAP McGill in 2018, and is currently involved in advocacy work and administration.


Sebastian Rodriguez Duque

Sebastian is a PhD candidate at McGill. He works on issues at the intersection of philosophy of science and philosophy of mind. His thesis is about measurement in psychiatry and the conceptual issues that arise when we consider the nature of psychopathologies. He has ongoing research interests in the philosophy of action and the insights it can offer our understanding of moral psychology. Sebastian is the parent of two cats, whom he loves equally. He joined MAP in 2020. His main objective is contributing to an affirming space for people in philosophy through his work in the community committee.

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Geneviève Vande Wiele Nobert

Geneviève recently graduated from McGill with a Joint Honours Bachelor’s degree in Philosophy and Political Science. Her research interests are rooted in the Black radical tradition, including critical race theory, Black feminism, Africana studies and disability studies. Currently taking a gap year, Geneviève divides her time between her research assistantship work in McGill’s faculty of Education, taking pottery classes, and learning how to knit and crochet. Geneviève co-founded MAP-Mcgill in 2018 and her current involvement with the group focuses on advocacy work.


Kristen Vanderwee

Kristen is in the final semester of her Bachelor's degree at McGill, majoring in Philosophy with a minor in German Studies. Between bouldering and watching movies, Kristen spends her time researching interdisciplinary approaches to public health and policymaking, AI ethics, phenomenology, and existentialism. She currently works as a research assistant (RA) in the Transcultural Psychiatry division of McGill’s Psychiatry Department. After graduation, Kristen plans to continue her RA work and to pursue a Master’s degree in Bioethics. Her involvement in MAP-McGill is primarily in advocacy and community outreach. Kristen joined the organizing team in 2020.


Alia Al-Saji

MAP McGill's faculty advisor, Prof. Al-Saji has been teaching at McGill since 2002. Her work has brought together 20th-century phenomenology, French philosophy, critical race, decolonial, and feminist philosophies. Prof. Al-Saji’s research traces two interrelated trajectories.  The first trajectory explores questions of corporeity, memory, and intersubjectivity in terms both of affectivity and perception.  She aims to think intersubjective relations in temporal terms, drawing on the philosophies of Henri Bergson, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, and Frantz Fanon. 


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